home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Program...: NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- Programmer: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
- *-- Date......: 02/23/1993
- *-- Notes.....: These are interesting functions designed to help out in
- *-- navigation ... see the file: README.TXT for details on the
- *-- use of this library file.
- *-- NOTE -- a few functions have been added into this library
- *-- that are duplicated elsewhere (other library files). This is
- *-- due to a limitation with dBASE IV, 1.5's handling of libraries.
- *-- These functions are (and are from):
- *-- STRIPVAL()
- *-- STRPBRK()
- *-- HAV() from TRIG.PRG
- *-- AHAV()
- *-- CSCH()
- *-- SINH()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FUNCTION Correct
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Correction of direction - adjusts direction given, in degrees,
- *-- by second number of degrees. Use to convert a compass
- *-- direction to magnetic using deviation as the second argument,
- *-- or magnetic to true using variation as the second argument.
- *-- Returns a direction in degrees.
- *--
- *-- A westerly second argument may be given either as a negative
- *-- number or as a character value containing "W". If second
- *-- argument is character-type but contains a negative value,
- *-- effect of presence or absence of "W" is reversed. That is,
- *-- "-20 W" is treated like "20 E" or the number 20.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Correct(<nDirection>,<xCorrection>)
- *-- Example.....: ?Correct(50,"-10 E")
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nDirection = Heading
- *-- xCorrection = amount to 'correct' by, may be numeric or
- *-- character, see above under 'Notes'.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nDirection, xCorrection
- private nCval
- if type( "xCorrection" ) = "C"
- nCval = val( xCorrection )
- if "W" $ upper( xCorrection )
- nCval = - nCval
- endif
- else
- nCval = xCorrection
- endif
- RETURN mod( 360 + nDirection + nCval, 360 )
- *-- EoF: Correct()
- FUNCTION UnCorrect
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Uncorrection of direction - adjusts direction given, in
- *-- degrees, by second number of degrees. The inverse of
- *-- correct(), see above. Use to convert a true direction to
- *-- magnetic using variation as the second argument, or magnetic
- *-- to compass using deviation as the second argument.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: UnCorrect(<nDirection>,<xUnCorr>)
- *-- Example.....: ?UnCorrect(50,"-10 E")
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nDirection = Heading
- *-- xUnCorr = amount to 'uncorrect' by, may be numeric or
- *-- character, see above under 'Notes'.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nDirection, xUncorr
- private nCval
- if type( "xUncorr" ) = "C"
- nCval = val( xUncorr )
- if "W" $ upper( xUncorr )
- nCval = - nCval
- endif
- else
- nCval = xUncorr
- endif
- RETURN mod( 360 + nDirection - nCval, 360 )
- *-- EoF: UnCorrect()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Angle in degrees ( <= 90 ) at which two vectors in
- *-- degrees intersect.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: XAngle(<nVector1>,<nVector2>)
- *-- Example.....: ?UnCorrect(20,240)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nVector1 = First angle
- *-- nVector2 = Second angle
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nVector1, nVector2
- private nResult
- nResult = abs( nVector1 - nVector2)
- do case
- case nResult > 270
- nResult = 360 - Result
- case nResult > 180
- nResult = nResult - 180
- case nResult > 90
- nResult = 180 - nResult
- endcase
- RETURN nResult
- *-- EoF: XAngle()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Whether effect of second vector on first is from the
- *-- left or the right. Returns .T. if from the left, else .F.
- *-- Expects vectors in degrees.
- *--
- *-- For convenience in aviation calculations, the second
- *-- argument is expected as the direction FROM which
- *-- the wind or current is coming, not the direction TO
- *-- which it is going. If the contrary sense
- *-- is more convenient, change the "=" sign in the
- *-- function to "#".
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: LeftWind(<nCourse>,<nWindFrom>)
- *-- Example.....: ?LeftWind(20,240)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nCourse = Direction of heading ...
- *-- nWindFrom = Direction wind or current is coming from
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nCourse, nWindfrom
- RETURN ( nCourse > nWindfrom ) = ( abs( nCourse - nWindfrom ) < 180 )
- *-- EoF: LeftWind()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Whether effect of second vector on first is additive
- *-- or subtractive ( from behind or from ahead ).
- *--
- *-- For convenience in aviation calculations, the second
- *-- argument is expected as the direction FROM which
- *-- the wind or current is coming, not the direction TO
- *-- which is going. If the contrary sense
- *-- is more convenient, change the "<" sign in the
- *-- function to ">".
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: TailWind(<nCourse>,<nWindFrom>)
- *-- Example.....: ?TailWind(20,240)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nCourse = Direction of heading ...
- *-- nWindFrom = Direction wind or current is coming from
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nCourse, nWindfrom
- RETURN ( abs( abs( nCourse - nWindfrom ) - 180 ) < 90 )
- *-- EoF: TailWind()
- FUNCTION Heading
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Heading required to make good a course.
- *-- If using this for boating and the direction of set is
- *-- more convenient than the direction from which
- *-- it is coming, apply mod( 180 + direction, 360 )
- *-- to the fourth argument before calling.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: XANGLE() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- LEFTWIND() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Heading(<nCourse>,<nAirSpeed>,<nWindFrom>,<nForce>)
- *-- Example.....: ?Heading(20,5,240,2)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nCourse = Direction of heading ...
- *-- nAirSpeed = What it says
- *-- nWindFrom = Direction wind or current is coming from
- *-- nForce = Windforce
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nCourse, nAirspeed, nWindfrom, nForce
- private nCrabAngle
- nCrabAngle = rtod( asin( nForce * sin( dtor( xangle( nCourse, nWindfrom))) ;
- / nAirspeed ) )
- nCrabAngle = iif( leftwind( nCourse, nWindfrom ), -nCrabAngle, nCrabAngle )
- nCrabAngle = mod( 360 + nCourse + nCrabAngle, 360 )
- RETURN iif( abs( nCrabAngle ) < 360, nCrabAngle, -1 )
- *-- EoF: Heading()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Course made good given heading, speed and wind direction
- *-- and force.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: XANGLE() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- LEFTWIND() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- TAILWIND() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Course(<nHeading>,<nAirSpeed>,<nWindFrom>,<nForce>)
- *-- Example.....: ?Course(20,5,240,2)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nHeading = Direction of heading ...
- *-- nAirSpeed = What it says
- *-- nWindFrom = Direction wind or current is coming from
- *-- nForce = Windforce
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nHeading, nAirspeed, nWindfrom, nForce
- private nTemp, nCrabAngle
- nTemp = dtor( xangle( nHeading, nWindfrom ) )
- nCrabAngle = nAirspeed - nForce * cos( nTemp ) ;
- * iif( tailwind( nHeading, nWindfrom ), -1, 1 )
- if nCrabAngle < 0
- nCrabAngle = 0
- else
- nCrabAngle = abs( rtod( atan( nForce * sin( nTemp ) / nCrabAngle ) ) )
- nCrabAngle = iif( leftwind( nHeading,nWindfrom ), nCrabAngle, -nCrabAngle)
- endif
- RETURN mod( 360 + nHeading + nCrabAngle, 360 )
- *-- EoF: Course()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Speed over the ground given heading, speed
- *-- and wind direction and force.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: XANGLE() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- TAILWIND() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: GndSpeed(<nHeading>,<nAirSpeed>,<nWindFrom>,<nForce>)
- *-- Example.....: ?GndSpeed(20,5,240,2)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (direction in degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nHeading = Direction of heading ...
- *-- nAirSpeed = What it says
- *-- nWindFrom = Direction wind or current is coming from
- *-- nForce = Windforce
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nHeading, nAirspeed, nWindfrom, nForce
- private nTemp
- nTemp = cos( dtor( xangle( nHeading, nWindfrom ) ) ) ;
- * iif( tailwind( nHeading, nWindfrom ), -1, 1 )
- nTemp = nAirspeed * nAirspeed + nForce * nForce ;
- - 2 * nAirspeed * nForce * nTemp
- RETURN iif(nTemp<=0,nAirspeed+nForce*iif(tailwind(nHeading,nWindfrom ),1,-1),;
- sqrt(nTemp))
- *-- EoF: GndSpeed()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Degrees to number: String in the form " 40d50'30.2 N" is
- *-- converted to a number of degrees. If followed by E or S,
- *- sign will be reversed.
- *--
- *-- It doesn't matter what characters are used to separate the
- *-- degrees, minutes and seconds, but any of the characters N, E,
- *-- W and S or their lowercase equivalents following the last
- *-- digit will be understood as specifying a compass direction.
- *--
- *-- If the degrees or minutes are 0, they must nevertheless be
- *-- included in the argument. Seconds may be omitted if 0, as
- *-- may the minutes if 0 and seconds are omitted.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1993 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: STRIP2VAL() Function in STRINGS.PRG
- *-- STRIPVAL() Function in STRINGS.PRG
- *-- STRPBRK() Function in STRINGS.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Deg2Num(<cDms>)
- *-- Example.....: ?Deg2Num("40d50'30.2 N")
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: cDms = Degrees Minutes Seconds
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters cDms
- private nResult, cStrleft
- if type( "cDms" ) $ "NF"
- endif
- cStrleft = strip2val( cDms )
- nResult = val( cStrleft )
- if "" # strip2val( stripval( cStrleft ) )
- cStrleft = strip2val( stripval( cStrleft ) )
- nResult = nResult + val( cStrleft ) / 60
- if "" # strip2val( stripval( cStrleft ) )
- cStrleft = strip2val( stripval( cStrleft ) )
- nResult = nResult + val( cStrleft ) / 3600
- endif
- endif
- cStrleft = upper( ltrim( stripval( cStrleft ) ) )
- if strpbrk( "NW", cStrleft ) > 0 .or. strpbrk( "ES",cStrleft ) = 0
- RETURN nResult
- else
- RETURN -nResult
- endif
- *-- EoF: Deg2Num()
- FUNCTION BearsDist
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Distance to an object at the time of the second
- *-- bearing, given two bearings and the distance run
- *-- between them. Value returned will be in same
- *-- units as third argument; first two are in degrees.
- *-- Returns -1 if already past the object.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: BearsDist(<nBear1>,<nBear2>,<nRun>)
- *-- Example.....: ?BearsDist(200,150,5)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nBear1 = Bearing of First object
- *-- nBear2 = Bearing of Second object
- *-- nRun = Distance (or time) run between bearings
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nBear1, nBear2, nRun
- if nBear2 > 180
- if nBear1 < nBear2 .or. nBear2 < 270
- else
- nBear1 = 360 - nBear1
- nBear2 = 360 - nBear2
- endif
- else
- if nBear2 < nBear1 .or. nBear2 > 90
- endif
- endif
- RETURN sin( dtor( nBear1 ) ) * nRun / sin( dtor( nBear2 - nBear1 ) )
- *-- EoF: BearsDist()
- FUNCTION BearsPass
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Distance at which the object will be passed abeam:
- *-- * <-- Object
- *-- . /|
- *-- . / |
- *-- 1-->-->-->--2 > 3 >
- *-- Where 1 = Position at time first bearing to object is
- *-- taken,
- *-- 2 = position at second bearing,
- *-- 3 = position at which the object will be abeam.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: BearsPass(<nBear1>,<nBear2>,<nRun>)
- *-- Example.....: ?BearsPass(200,150,5)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nBear1 = Bearing of First object
- *-- nBear2 = Bearing of Second object
- *-- nRun = Distance (or time) run between bearings
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nBear1, nBear2, nRun
- private nTemp
- if nBear2 > 180
- if nBear1 < nBear2 .or. nBear2 < 270
- else
- nBear1 = 360 - nBear1
- nBear2 = 360 - nBear2
- endif
- else
- if nBear2 < nBear1 .or. nBear2 > 90
- endif
- endif
- nTemp = sin( dtor( nBear1 ) ) * nRun / sin( dtor( nBear2 - nBear1 ) )
- RETURN nTemp * sin( dtor( nBear2 ) )
- *-- EoF: BearsPass()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Distance to run until object will be abeam given two bearings.
- *-- Same rules and restrictions as bearsdist().
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: BearsRun(<nBear1>,<nBear2>,<nRun>)
- *-- Example.....: ?BearsRun(200,150,5)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: nBear1 = Bearing of First object
- *-- nBear2 = Bearing of Second object
- *-- nRun = Distance (or time) run between bearings
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nBear1, nBear2, nRun
- private nTemp
- if nBear2 > 180
- if nBear1 < nBear2 .or. nBear2 < 270
- else
- nBear1 = 360 - nBear1
- nBear2 = 360 - nBear2
- endif
- else
- if nBear2 < nBear1 .or. nBear2 > 90
- endif
- endif
- nTemp = sin( dtor( nBear1 ) ) * nRun / sin( dtor( nBear2 - nBear1 ) )
- RETURN nTemp * cos( dtor( nBear2 ) )
- *-- EoF: BearsRun()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Great circle distance between two points given latitude
- *-- and longitude of each. This function obtains the degrees of
- *-- arc along the great circle and simply multiplies by 60 to
- *-- convert the degrees to nautical miles. As this ignores the
- *-- eccentricity of the earth, the answer may be in error by
- *-- approximately half of one percent. In general, if the
- *-- route lies close to the equator the result of this
- *-- function will be smaller than the actual number of nautical
- *-- miles, but if the route passes close to the poles
- *-- the function result will be larger than the correct number.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: DEG2NUM() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- HAV() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- AHAV() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: GCDist(<cLat1>,<cLon1>,<cLat2>,<cLon2>)
- *-- Example.....: ?GCDist(200,150,105,200)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (nautical miles)
- *-- Parameters..: cLat1 = Latitude 1
- *-- cLon1 = Longitude 1
- *-- cLat2 = Latitude 2
- *-- cLon2 = Longitude 2
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters cLat1, cLon1, cLat2, cLon2
- private nLa1, nLo1, nLa2, nLo2, nDla, nDlo, nTemp
- nLa1 = dtor( deg2num( cLat1 ) )
- nLo1 = dtor( deg2num( cLon1 ) )
- nLa2 = dtor( deg2num( cLat2 ) )
- nLo2 = dtor( deg2num( cLon2 ) )
- nDla = abs( nLa1 - nLa2 )
- nDlo = abs( nLo2 - nLo1 )
- do case
- case nDlo = 0 .or. nDla = pi()
- RETURN 60 * rtod( nDla )
- case nDlo = pi()
- RETURN 60 * rtod( ( pi() - nDla ) )
- case nDlo > pi()
- nDlo = 2 * pi() - nDlo
- endcase
- nTemp = hav( nDla ) + hav( nDlo ) * cos( nLa1 ) * cos( nLa2 )
- RETURN 60 * rtod( ahav( nTemp ) )
- *-- EoF: GcDist()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Initial great circle course between two points given latitude
- *-- and longitude of each. Returns -1 if the points are
- *-- antipodes.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: DEG2NUM() Function in NAVIGATE.PRG
- *-- HAV() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- AHAV() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- CSCH() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: GCCourse(<cLat1>,<cLon1>,<cLat2>,<cLon2>)
- *-- Example.....: ?GCCourse(200,150,105,200)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric (degrees)
- *-- Parameters..: cLat1 = Latitude 1
- *-- cLon1 = Longitude 1
- *-- cLat2 = Latitude 2
- *-- cLon2 = Longitude 2
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nLat1, nLon1, nLat2, nLon2
- private nLa1, nLo1, nLa2, nLo2, nDla, nDlo, nTemp, lRev
- nLa1 = dtor( deg2num( nLat1 ) )
- nLo1 = dtor( deg2num( nLon1 ) )
- nLa2 = dtor( deg2num( nLat2 ) )
- nLo2 = dtor( deg2num( nLon2 ) )
- nDla = abs( nLa1 - nLa2 )
- nDlo = abs( nLo2 - nLo1 )
- lRev = .F.
- do case
- case nDla = pi() .or. nDlo = pi () .and. nLa1 + nLa2 = 0
- case nDlo = 0 .or. nDlo = pi() .or. abs( nLa1 ) = pi() .or.;
- abs( nLa2 ) = pi()
- RETURN iif( La1 > La2 , 180, 0 )
- case nDlo > pi()
- nDlo = 2 * pi() - nDlo
- lRev = .T.
- endcase
- nTemp = hav( nDla ) + hav( nDlo ) * cos( nLa1 ) * cos( nLa2 )
- nTemp = rtod( asin( sin( nDlo ) * cos( nLa2 ) * csch( ahav( nTemp ) ) ) )
- nTemp = iif( nLa1 > nLa2, 180 - nTemp, nTemp )
- RETURN iif( ( nLo2 > nLo1 ) = lRev, nTemp, 360 - nTemp )
- *-- EoF: GCCourse()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- For convenience the following routines were brought in from other library
- *-- files.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FUNCTION Strip2Val
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Strip characters from the left of a string until reaching
- *-- one that might start a number.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Strip2Val("<cStr>")
- *-- Example.....: ? Strip2Val("Test345")
- *-- Returns.....: character string
- *-- Parameters..: cStr = string to search
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters cStr
- private cNew
- cNew = cStr
- do while "" # cNew
- if left( cNew, 1 ) $ "-.0123456789"
- exit
- endif
- cNew = substr( cNew, 2 )
- enddo
- *-- EoF: Strip2Val()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Strip characters from the left of the string until
- *-- reaching one that is not part of a number. A hyphen
- *-- following numerics, or a second period,
- *-- is treated as not part of a number.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: StripVal("<cStr>")
- *-- Example.....: ? StripVal("123.2Test")
- *-- Returns.....: Character
- *-- Parameters..: cStr = string to test
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters cStr
- private cNew, cChar, lGotminus, lGotdot
- cNew = cStr
- store .f. to lGotminus, lGotdot
- do while "" # cNew
- cChar = left( cNew, 1 )
- do case
- case .not. cChar $ "-.0123456789"
- exit
- case cChar = "-"
- if lGotminus
- exit
- endif
- case cChar = "."
- if lGotdot
- exit
- else
- lGotdot = .T.
- endif
- endcase
- cNew = substr( cNew, 2 )
- lGotminus = .T.
- enddo
- *-- EoF: StripVal()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Search string for first occurrence of any of the
- *-- characters in charset. Returns its position as
- *-- with at(). Contrary to ANSI.C definition, returns
- *-- 0 if none of characters is found.
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: StrPBrk("<cCharSet>","<cBigStr>")
- *-- Example.....: ? StrPBrk("Tt","This is a Test string, with Test data")
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric value
- *-- Parameters..: cCharSet = characters to look for in cBigStr
- *-- cBigStr = string to look in
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters cCharset, cBigstring
- private nPos, nLooklen
- nPos = 0
- nLooklen = len( cBigstring )
- do while nPos < nLooklen
- nPos = nPos + 1
- if at( substr( cBigstring, nPos, 1 ), cCharset ) > 0
- exit
- endif
- enddo
- RETURN iif(nPos=nLookLen,0,nPos)
- *-- EoF: StrPBrk()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Haversine of an angle in radians
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: Hav(<nX>)
- *-- Example.....: ?Hav(48)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric
- *-- Parameters..: nX = Return Hav of X
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nX
- RETURN ( 1 - cos( nX ) ) / 2
- *-- EoF: Hav()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Inverse haversine - angle size in radians for given
- *-- haversine
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: AHav(<nX>)
- *-- Example.....: ?AHav(48)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric
- *-- Parameters..: nX = Return AHav of X
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nX
- RETURN acos( 1 - 2 * nX )
- *-- EoF: AHav()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Hyperbolic sine of an angle X in radians
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1992 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: None
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: SinH(<nX>)
- *-- Example.....: ?SinH(48)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric
- *-- Parameters..: nX = Return SinH of X
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nX
- RETURN ( exp( nX ) - exp( -nX ) ) / 2
- *-- EoF: SinH()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 70160,340)
- *-- Date........: 03/01/1992
- *-- Notes.......: Hyperbolic cosecant of an angle X in radians
- *-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
- *-- Rev. History: 03/01/1993 -- Original Release
- *-- Calls.......: SINH() Function in TRIG.PRG
- *-- Called by...: Any
- *-- Usage.......: CScH(<nX>)
- *-- Example.....: ?CScH(48)
- *-- Returns.....: Numeric
- *-- Parameters..: nX = Return CScH of X
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parameters nX
- RETURN 1 / sinh( nX )
- *-- EoF: CScH()
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------